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     Since the 1 June 2004 in Zespól Szkól Ogólnoksztalcacych, there has been realized the project for teenagers "I can ... I know ...", which was put forward by Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Rozwoju Gminy Wydminy and gota donation Small Grants from English Teaching Programme.

     Wish to revive a willing for learning English among children and teenagers and make them take an active part in extracurricular lessons, in June 2004 in Zespól Szkól Ogólnoksztalcacych there was created The English Club and set off Dramatic Society.Dramatic Society is consisted of 15 people from 10 to 18 years old under the supervision of Malgorzata Kopryk.

     There have been three meetings so far where the participants were introduced with a meeting schedule and form of  Dramatic Society.Teenagers have started working on a play script "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, which will be performed after summer holiday during the school year 2004 / 2005.

     Also in June this year, there was created English IT which is consisted of 18 people under the supervision of  Bozena Hamanowicz, Elzbieta Januszkiewicz and Malgorzata Kopryk.During the meetings of  English IT participants have taken part in issuing the school newspaper for students learning in ZSO and for inhabitants in Wydminy, too.Students from The English Club will create the web site, where will be put multimedia presentations from ET Programme events to popularize every English activity.The aim of all actions is to show students that each of them can learn English through a various form of work and each of them has their own talent.